About Us

Kimberly Jackson, Ph.d, MPA-Founder/Executive Director
Kimberly Jackson, Ph.d, MPA-Founder/Executive Director

The Founder & Executive Director is a native of Florence, AL. She is the mother of 3. Twins Jordan & Jayden and daughter Esther. She is a member of Galilee M.B Church, Florenc. She received her undergraduate & advanced degrees from Ashford, Hgher Place Christian & Samford University in Political Science, Public Administration & Christian Counseling. She has over 25 years corporate Administrator experience in Human Resources & Accounting.

Crossroads is a God given vision to help those in need with concentration on street homeless & those experiencing a crisis.

Dr Jackson also operates a for profit business:

Dr Jackson Consulting Firm that offers:

Nonprofit & Business startup, strategy & consulting

Executive Team

Board of  Directors:

Jason Graham,- Executive President & City of Florence liason 

CaNeysha Mixon, B.S. Vice President & Case Manager

Deonna Ricks- Secretary & Outreach Leader

Geoffrey Robinson- Treasurer & Media/Marketing

Lesley Scott,LMSW- Social Worker

Wesley Thompson,BS- Chaplain 

John Williams, BS- Youth Advocate & NAACP liason 

Juawn Olive, Attorney at Law (Legal Advisor)

Peter Chevalier: Operations Director 

Volunteer Coordinators: Jayden & Jordan Anderson